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Easy-Life 25 Root Sticks

805.00 inc. GST

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Optimal root feeding

The Easy-Life 25 Root Sticks are ideal to feed plants directly at the roots. The product contains 25 pieces of special clay sticks that are very nutritious and have a high iron content. Due to the special pre-treatment of these sticks, they do not fall apart immediately upon contact with water. The release of nutrients goes very gradually over a period of several weeks. The water will not get cloudy at all, so algae cannot take advantage of that. The product is very easy to use and causes no additional water pollution.

Availability: In stock

Use these root sticks for plants with a strong need for root nutrition such as Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus or Lotus. If the soil layer is very narrow or the plant roots are small, the sticks can be very easily broken into smaller pieces. The root sticks can therefore be used in all cases.

In the soil layer1 Root Stick is enough for 15 cm2 of soil surface.


If the soil layer is very narrow or the plant roots are small, the sticks can be very easily broken into smaller pieces.

Causes no additional water pollution.


1 jar contains 25 pcs. Root Sticks of 55 mm length.


Easy Life


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    1 X 150.00 = 150.00
    Easy-Life-Root-SticksEasy-Life 25 Root Sticks
    805.00 inc. GST

    Availability: In stock

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